Guild Rules & Policies
Guild Rules and Policies
Faded Heroes is a guild that takes loyalty and respect seriously. We do our best to ensure fairness and equality within our guild and we expect that sort of behaviour from our guildies. These rules and policies are effective as of August 26, 2019. The officers reserve the right to edit the policies as situations not already covered by these policies present themselves.
1) No ninja-looting. Don't be a jerk. Decide on loot rules before you start an instance. The guild standard loot rules are as follows and will be in effect for all dungeon runs within the guild unless otherwise stated at the start of the run.
- Pass on all epics that drop in a dungeon and have a discussion about who it would best benefit
- Need on any mount (such as Baron Rivendare's mount, Raptor Mount, Tiger Mount, etc) if you want it.
- Need on any blue that: a) is a main-spec upgrade for you, b) that you will equip immediately
- Greed on any blue that: a) is an off-spec upgrade for you, or b) is a main-spec sidegrade for you
- Pass on any blue that you will not personally equip.
- Greed all greens.
- Need any pattern that you will personally use on the character you're on at the time.
- Greed any non-Bind on Pickup pattern that you will personally use on another character of yours.
- Pass on any pattern that you will not personally use. /roll afterwards for other uses.
2) Friends. You're welcome to ask if your friends can join the guild! Your friends must follow these rules and policies. Please note that if you have invited a friend to the guild, if you leave the guild for any reason, your friend will be asked to leave as well unless they have another sponsor in the guild. (AKA: The Bramal Rule)
3) Be respectful of others. In the game, you represent Faded Heroes. With the Classic server environment, this means that our reputation matters and we want people to know we're good players and good people. Be polite and respectful as much as you can. Let others know that to be a member of Faded Heroes is to be a good person. Be proud of being in your guild and be proud of what the guild is like. In short, don't be a jerk. Not in groups, not while questing, not in public channels.
This includes guild chat. While moderate use of profanity is fine, there should be no comments or quips or jokes that target a minority group. Examples of unacceptable behaviour include (but are not limited to): racist language, homophobic language, transphobic language, misogynistic language, use of stereotypes or insults used against a social or religious minority and casual use of the word "rape".
Additionally, no one in the guild should be made to feel uncomfortable by another guild member, particularly in the case of someone being "creepy" towards another guild member. Do not harass your fellow guildies. If someone asks you to stop whispering them, respect their wishes.
Finally, if an officer tells you to stop your current behaviour, then stop it. Period.
Repercussions: The officers will use their discretion as to what the repercussions are for breaking these rules. In general, a three-strikes-and-you're-out policy will apply. In more egregious cases, we're talking an immediate /gkick. Again, don't be a jerk.
I've edited the loot rules portion here to specify that we should NEED on any mounts we want and that if we want a pattern that is not bind-on-pickup for another character of ours, to greed it. (Previously it didn't specify the pattern shouldn't be BOP, but I figure we should make doubly-sure before hitting Need/Greed.)